Get Involved
There are several ways to become involved in the sport of ski racing. Finding a club that fits your families needs is one of the most important factors related to longevity in ski racing. The second factor is to become involved in the ski club by volunteering to be a board member, race official, tail-gunner with your child's group, or team mom. Ski racing is family friendly and there are opportunities for the entire family to become involved in ski racing.
Photo: Filip Gigic NASA U12's at Sunshine Ski Village 2018
Finding a Club
All clubs within Canada are expected to engage in a continuous process of self-assessment, reflection and on-going improvement that enables them to stay relevant to their missions and to the athletes and families they serve. Clubs demonstrate this commitment by working continuously to improve their programs, actively participating in professional development opportunities and pursuing and maintaining certification. Choosing a club that fits your family is one of the most critical decisions.Here are some sample questions to use when researching the best organization for you and your child.
- Are the coaches certified in the National Coaching Certification Program?
- What coaching experience do they have and at what levels?
- Do they have healthy short and long-term goals?
- Do they have secure 'Safe in Sports Policies'?
- Do they follow the LTAD guidelines?
- Does the program emphasize the development of skills?
- What is the driving time to the hill (proximity)?
- What is the overall reputation of the club for providing a quality sports environment for all developing ski racers?
- What is the club reputation amongst parents of current athletes?
- How many days on snow (volume) is available to your child and is it consistent with the LTAD recommendations?
- What is the cost? Volunteer expectations?
- Is there an equipment pool available?
- Are they committed to creating efficiencies for the parents (carpool/vans)?
Becoming a Race Official
Alpine Canada’s greatest asset is our dedicated volunteers who help organize and run events. Volunteers staff the race office, help in the start and finish areas, work as gatekeepers and assist with timing, slipping and course setup.
Officials, many of which are volunteers, play a critical role in young ski racers achieving their goals and dreams. Competition would not be possible without dedicated officials and other competition volunteers. It takes a team of race officials to host an event in partnership with the local clubs and ski resorts. Alpine Canada in cooperation with the National Alpine Officials' Committee has established standards and developed tools that will allow provincial associations to deliver their officials' educational programming efficiently and in a professional manner. . Contact your local Provincial Sport Organization Officials Chairs to get started today!
Officials' Committee Chair
John Lambert (Ontario) - or
Provincial Sport Organization Officials Chairs
British Columbia - Mark Schwenck -
Alberta - Don Boyce -
Ontario - Pete Dyson -
Quebec - Claude Marquis -
Canada District West* - Aron Klassen (Saskatchewan) -
*Canada district West includes; Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Nunavut and the North West Territories.
Canada District East* - Henrik Tonning (New Brunswick) -
Canada district East includes; Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundlad and Labrador
Administration | Course | Timing | Jury |
Race chairman | Chief of race | Chief of timing and calculations | Technical delegate |
Chief of administration (race secretary) | Chief of course | Chief of timing | TD candidate |
Race office | Chief of gate judges | Starter | Referee |
Chief of event quality | Gate judge | Assistant starter | Assistant referee |
Event quality | Course crew | Timer | Start referee |
Chief of ski area relations | Chief of equipment | Time recorder | Finish referee |
Chief of media and awards | Chief steward | Chief of calculation | |
Steward | Calculator | ||
Finish Controller |
Level 1 manual | Level 1 presentation
This is the entry-level course. It is an overall introduction to race organization and the various officials’ positions with particular emphasis on timekeeping and gate judging. There are no course prerequisites or required experience. Participants will benefit more if they have practical experience.
Course attendance automatically qualifies the participant as Level 1 Alpine Official. Parents of entry level and K1-level racers find this course an excellent introduction to race officiating and in gaining insight into the racing program as a whole.
Course description:
Time required: Three hours.
Course fee: Set by the provincial alpine associations’ officials’ chair – includes manual and officials’ pin
Prerequisites: None
Exam: None
Level 2 manual | Level 2 presentation
This level is the second of three officials’ courses and is designed for those who have already taken the Level 1 course and have then obtained the necessary practical experience to qualify for Level 2.
Level 2 has been designed as a detailed introduction to the methodology of alpine ski racing, the types of races, rules, points systems as well as preparing officials for the managerial positions of chief of gates judges, chief of course, chief of race, start referee, finish referee and referee (coaches). It is a fairly intensive course and does not cover in any detail the material presented in Level 1.
The objectives of the course are to develop officials capable of functioning at a carded-level race and to provide a base of experience and knowledge to course participants to allow them to assume greater responsibilities at higher-level races.
Course description:
Time required: Eight hours plus a one-hour exam (may be done in one day or two evenings).
Course fee: Set by the provincial alpine associations’ officials’ chair – includes manual and officials’ pin.
Prerequisites: Level 1 certification and practical experience in at least three different
officials’ positions from two different categories which cover a minimum of eight days race experience.
Exam: One hour – multiple choice, true/false and short answers. Open book.
Level 3 manual (updated) | Level 3 presentation
This level further prepares officials for all chief positions and for minimum-entry qualifications for the Technical Delegate (TD) Program. It is designed for those officials who have obtained Level 2 and since then have gained specific practical experience as covered in the Alpine Officials’ Certification Program. It is an interactive course in which the major emphasis will be discussion and exchange of ideas, opinions and race experiences by the participants. An examination of the course outline will show the variety and depth of the material covered.
The level requires the official to gain all necessary knowledge (experience not included) to manage races at the national or FIS level. The course directs the participant to use the FIS ICR Book and apply the rules and their interpretation in precise circumstances. This level develops the volunteer’s judgment and leadership skills in concrete situations.
Course description:
Time required: 12 hours. Generally given on a weekend but can be given over four evenings.
Course fee: Set by the provincial alpine associations’ officials’ chair – includes manual, course materials and officials’ pin.
Prerequisites: This course is only open to those who have the necessary prerequisites or are identified as being very close to having the necessary practical experience to take the course. Participants must be recommended by their provincial alpine associations’ officials’ chair.
Exam: Two-hour open book exam.
This level is for those officials who have gained further experience at national or international level races and who have demonstrated superior knowledge and ability as an official. The provincial alpine associations’ officials’ chair must recommend the Level 4 nominee to the national Officials’ Committee.
Admission for coaches into the officials’ program
All Canadian Ski Coaches’ Federation (CSCF) Level 1 and higher can attend the Level 2 officials’ course without any other criteria of eligibility.
Prerequisite for referee – Level 2 CSCF and Level 2 official certification.
All Level 3 or 4 CSCF coaches can attend a Level 3 officials’ course without criteria of eligibility.
Officials’ recognition and identification
All officials will receive a national pin in recognition of their certification level.
Officials’ requirements to maintain certification
Upon qualification, the initial period of certification and practical requirements to maintain certification for each officials’ level is as follows:
Level 1 Three years Activity as an official
Level 2 Three years Work a minimum four race days in a three-year period and an officials’ update every two years.
Level 3 Two years Work a minimum of four- race days a year and an officials’ update every two years.
Level 4 Two years Work four days a year as a TD or chief level or to the satisfaction of the officials’ chair. Attend an officials’ update every two years.
A technical delegate (TD) is a person who has advisory control over pre-race and race operation and together with other members of the jury has complete control over the competitive operation of a race. He or she along with the jury have the final decision in all matters of racer protection and have the authority to cancel, postpone or annul the race if necessary. In all cases, the TD is the representative of the governing body by whom he/she is appointed.
Technical delegate levels and criteria
A TD must have a broad working knowledge and experience as an official and have demonstrated an ability to handle a variety of on-hill situations in a calm and knowledgeable manner. The requirements for certification at the various levels are:
Regional technical delegate (only Ontario)
Level 2 officials’ certification.
Recommended by the divisional and provincial alpine association’s officials’ chair.
PSO technical delegate – Technical (T)
Level 3 officials’ certification.
Recommended by the provincial alpine association’s officials’ chair for TD certification.
PSO technical delegate – Technical/speed (T/S)
Level 3 officials’ certification.
Certified in technical, downhill and super-G events.
National technical delegate
Level 4 officials’ certification.
Licensed divisional TD (T) and/or (T/S).
Recommended by the provincial alpine association’s officials’ chair to the Alpine Canada Officials’ Committee.
FIS technical delegate
The first step in entering the FIS TD program is nomination by two members of the national ski association, one of those members must be a licensed FIS technical delegate. The nomination must be signed by the PSO officials’ chair and PSO president prior to being sent to the Alpine Canada Officials’ Committee. The Alpine Canada Officials’ Committee TD sub-committee makes recommendations if the nominee should enter the FIS-candidate program and is accepted by the FIS commissioner for Canada.
If accepted, the candidate follows the program outlined in ICR 602.
*The minimum criteria to be assigned as a PSO/national technical delegate are the following:
Regional technical race: Level 2
PSO technical race and speed event: Level 3
National race events: Level 4.
The organizing committee of the sponsoring club or association is responsible for the overall conduct of an event.
The officials that are needed for an event will depend on the particular needs of the event and the availability of people. Nearly all of the activities needed to stage a FIS race take place at lower-level races. The various procedures will differ as will the number and qualifications of the various officials involved. For example, at a high-level race there will be a chief of awards and presentations to research and obtain prizes and to arrange a special awards ceremony. At a lower- level race, the race chairperson or the chief of administration (race secretary) will obtain the prizes and will quite often award them at the award ceremony. Further examples: the area ski patrol handles first aid and often security rather than a special team assembled just to cover that particular race; the chief of course will probably also act as chief of equipment and do course maintenance. In each case, the goal is accomplished and the rules were followed.
Race organizing committee
The actual running of a race is done by the race organizing committee (ROC); the ROC’s chief or chairperson heads the committee. The race committee appoints the chief officials, assistants and crews.
Race jury
The jury is responsible for all decisions pertaining to the race, for the arbitration of protests and for upholding the rules. The jury members must collaborate closely with the race committee through the chief of race. Jury members include the technical delegate (chairman of the jury), chief of race, referee, assistant referee (for speed events) and two non-voting jury advisors - the start referee and finish referee. Jury members must be qualified with specific officials’ certifications for the level of race event.
Qualifications for jury members:
Downhill and super-G races
Chief of race:
FIS - Level 3 - Official certification
PSO race - Level 2 certification
Assistant referee:
Coach with at least a Level 2 coach certification, plus Level 2 officials’ certification.
Coach with at least a Level 2 coach certification and a Level 2 officials’ certification or a FIS or division licensed speed TD
Technical delegate:
FIS - FIS technical delegate
PSO - Technical delegate - speed certification and minimum Level 3
Technical events
Technical delegate:
FIS - FIS technical delegate
PSO - Minimum of Level 3 divisional technical delegate
Regional races - Level 2
Chief of race:
FIS - Level 3 official
PSO - Level 2 official
Level 2 coach and Level 2 officials’ certification.
Assistant referee:
Level 1 or 2 coach
Introductory program
Start and finish referees:
In addition to the above, there are two jury advisors - start referee and finish referee. They are appointed by the race committee.
They are responsible for the start and finish areas respectively.
They advise the jury concerning competitor disqualifications and may with the approval of the jury allow provisional starts/re-runs.