Coach Reference Material

- ACA-CSC Coach Education Reference Material
- Recorded Webinars
- SnowReg Tutorial Videos
- Links to LTAD Supporting Reference Materials
- FIS information
ACA-CSC Coach Education Reference Material
Alpine Canada Coach Education (ACA-CSC) in partnership with the territories and provinces develops our Canadian ski coaches by providing coach education, certification and professional development opportunities. Our coach certification program is part of the Coaching Association of Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). As a partner of the Coaching Association of Canada, Canadian ski coaches must meet or exceed minimum competency requirements to be recognized as trained or certified. All ACA-CSC member coaches focus on and uphold the NCCP coaching core competencies of valuing, leading, interacting with people, problem-solving and critical thinking.
The following links provide access to coach education reference materials used by coaches and coach developers during the coach accreditation process. All links are password protected, please contact your local PTSO coach education representative to obtain access.
ACA-CSC Webinar Series
ACA-CSC provides educational webinars for our ACA-CSC registered coaches throughout the year. The links below are representative of some of the webinars provided by ACA-CSC for registered coaches. Visit the ACA-CSC Snow Reg platform for more information on upcoming webinars.
Coach Webinar Series 2021 - 2022:
- Physical Fitness:
- Safe Sport:
- Coaching the Female Athlete:
- The Foot, the Ankle and Boot Fitting:
Past Webinars 2020 - 2021 Season:
- The Power of Coaching Webinar:
- Introduction to Ski Cross Progressions:
- Introduction to Ski Cross Webinar Resource Material
SnowReg Tutorial Videos
How to renew your ACA-CSC membership - YouTube
How to renew your ACA-CSIA membership - YouTube
Links to Supporting Reference Materials
Alpine Canada Performance Planning Coach Workbook (2016).
Eitzen DS, Sage GH. Sociology of North American Sport. 8th ed. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers; 2009.
Fraser-Thomas J, Côte J. Youth sports: implementing findings and moving forward with research. Athl Ins. 2006;8(3):12-27.
Gambetta V. (2007). Athletic Development: The Art & Science of Functional Sports Conditioning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
McGuigan M. (2017). Monitoring training and performance in athletes. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Petichkoff LM. Youth sports participation and withdrawal: Is it simply a matter of fun? Pediatr Exercise Sci. 1992;4:105-110.
Willinger, H. Banff Alpine Racers alumnus Read and Philp give back to local club. Rocky Mountain Outlook. Feb. 22 2018.
Visek AJ, Manning HM. The FUN MAPS: A Youth Sport Scientific Breakthrough. Olympic Coach. 2014;25(4):39-42.
Visek AJ, et al. The Fun Integration Theory: Toward Sustaining Children and Adolescents Sport Participation. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2015;12:424-433
Warrington, G. Dr. (2010). Planning for Performance . Coaching Ireland.
FIS Competition 2023/2024
Coaches are reminded that entry into FIS events is governed by the FIS International Competition Rules (ICR) and it is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of the rules before intending to enter athletes to these competitions. Different levels of FIS competitions have different rules for acceptance.
Below is a link to the FIS resources in which you should be aware of in advance of travel to FIS competitions. If you require clarification on competition entry requirements, quota allocation etc., please ensure you connect with Alpine Canada in advance of the event, (minimum 14 days) via
Canada follows a strict process for race entry intents, and with the increasing number of Canadian athletes in international programs, it is critical you are knowledgeable on rules, processes and quotas for the season.
If you are not already signed up for the FIS international race intent site, please connect with your PTSO to be advised on the process of registration for your province/athletes.
FIS Resources:
FIS Points Rules:
FIS Continental Cup Rules:
FIS Quotas:
FIS Continental Cup Quota Periods:
*** must review quota periods in accordance with the above, found @
Additional resources to support your season can also be found via Alpine Canada