Provincial and Territorial Sport Organizations
Local Alpine Canada ski clubs are the primary starting point for aspiring athletes, introducing them to knowledgeable coaches and officials who guide them along the development pipeline. Alpine Canada in partnership with our Provincial and Territorial Sports Organizations support the local ski clubs through our outreach programming which includes the certification process for coaches, judges, and officials to ensure the best experience possible for athletes and parents.
Begin your journey by visiting your local Provincial or Territorial Sports Organization website to find a club near you. As a member of an Alpine Canada sanctioned club, you will also become a member of Alpine Canada.
Photo: Malcolm Carmichael Alpine Peak Photography 2017.png)
Alberta Alpine
As a member of Alpine Canada, Alberta Alpine is the provincial sport governing body for alpine ski racing, providing programs for 4,800+ athletes, coaches, volunteers and officials of the sport throughout the province. Alberta Alpine manages programs from introductory levels to masters including the athletes of the Alberta Ski Team.
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BC Alpine
All BC Alpine programs emphasize growth, development and maturation, and the appropriate phases of alpine ski racing: Gliding Start, Skier Essentials, Learn to Train, Train to Train, Train to Race, Race to Win, Skiing For Life. BC Alpine has the mandate to support its ski clubs in the delivery of programs for children aged 4-20 and beyond.
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Ski Manitoba
The role of the Manitoba Alpine Ski Division is to develop and organize the sport of alpine skiing in Manitoba. Representing ski clubs throughout the entire Province, Manitoba Alpine coordinates skiing development and racing programs.
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Ski New Brunswick
Ski NB develops, supports and delivers quality alpine ski racing programs in collaboration with its member clubs. We encourage broad based participation and excellence where participants can achieve personal growth and success in a safe and fair environment.
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Alpine Ontario Alpin
Alpine Ontario Alpin (AOA) is a Not-for-Profit Provincial Sport organization promoting the development of recreational and competitive ski racing in Ontario. We have over 30,000 members, including athletes, parents, coaches, volunteers, officials, and partner. We offer programs for skiers at all ages and abilities; programs include Alpine Racing, Para-Alpine, and Skier Cross.
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Alpine Ski Nova Scotia
Alpine Ski NS is the official governing body for alpine and para-alpine development programs sanctioned by Alpine Canada and SportNS.
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Prince Edward Island
For those who want to take their skiing to the next level, and who may also be interested in ski racing, the “Junior Development” program is the perfect next step. The Junior Development program creates an excellent bridge between the Brown’s Volkswagen Ski School and the PEI Alpine Ski Team.
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Alpine Ski Newfoundland and Labrador
Skiing is a brilliant sport that offers much to the families involved. Whether you choose to be in racing or participation program, the results are the same, development of a life-long love of the sport that is passed on through the generations. To find a club visit Alpine Ski NL.
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Ski Québec Alpin
The Quebec Alpine Ski Federation, Ski Quebec Alpin (SQA), is a provincial non-profit sport organization. Responsible for the organization of downhill skiing in Quebec since 1967, SQA manages and sanctions competitive ski programs. Our departmental mandate is to encourage and develop participation while seeking to remove barriers to participation.
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Alpine Saskatchewan
Alpine Saskatchewan (also referred to as Sask Alpine) is the designated Provincial Service Organization for Alpine Canada. Alpine Saskatchewan's Mission: To promote, provision, and govern non-competitive and competitive alpine skiing within the province of Saskatchewan.
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Alpine Yukon
Alpine Ski Association of Yukon (ASAY) is the governing body for Alpine Ski Racing in the Yukon Territory. Based out of Mount Sima in Whitehorse and Mount Maichen in Watson Lake, our mission is to promote skills development and competition opportunities for young skiers throughout the Yukon, including coach training and employment opportunities.
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